editorial adj. 1.编辑的;编辑上的;主笔的,总编辑的。 2.〔美国〕社论的。 n. 〔美国〕(期刊的)社论。 an editorial article 社论。 an editorial assistant 编辑助理。 an editorial chair 主笔职位。 an editorial office 编辑室。 the editorial staff 编辑部。 an editorial paragraph [note] 短评。 an editorial writer 〔美国〕社论作者,主笔。 adv. -ly 1.在编辑上;以主笔身分。 2.以社论形式。
Aj editorial committee 2005 meets in nanning 2005年编委会在南宁召开
The necessary editorial work was entrusted to an editorial committee , assisted by the secretariat 必要的编辑工作则委托给由秘书处组成的一个编辑委员会承担。
Proceedings of joint annual meeting of editorial committee , bus amp; amp; taxi committee , and special academic symposium 城市公共交通学会会刊编辑委员会与公共汽车出租汽车委员会年会暨专题学术研讨会会议纪要
Kuang puren , qian jinhui 1991 economic fauna of china - parasitic crustacea of freshwater fishes . editorial committee of fauna sinica , academia sinica . science press , beijing , china 20匡溥人、钱金会1991中国经济动物志:淡水鱼类寄生甲壳动物。科学出版社。
Its editorial committee is composed of well - known scholars , noted specialists et al . in the bme field in china so as to guarantee the qualities of the published papers 本刊主要报导医疗器械和生物医学工程的开发、进展、研制、生产、临床应用和管理、维修等方面的信息。
I sincerely hope that the editorial committee could solicit suggestions from different circles on the basis of experiences summarized , and compose a report annually and publish it to the public regularly 我衷心希望编委会在总结经验的基础上,广泛听取方方面面的意见与建议,每年编撰并定期向社会发布。
[ zhuang - han - english dictionary editorial committee , guangxi zhuang autonomous region minority nationality written language work committee . 2005 . zhuang - han - english dictionary . beijing : the ethnic publishing house 广西壮族自治区少数民族语言文字工作委员会,壮汉英词典编委会编: 《壮汉英词典》 ,民族出版社(北京) , 2005年。
Mr . jiang yong - kun , the former chief fire protection expert and senior engineer of the public security ministry has ever worked with the company where he joined hands with several senior engineers and colleagues to set up editorial committee and compile " china fire services engineering manual " for nationwide distribution in china . the manual serves as a professional guide - book in the field of design , implementation and management of fire profection engineering 原公安部首席消防专家、高级工程师蒋永琨先生(图右六)曾在公司任职,与公司部分高级工程师及其他同仁一道成立编委会,组织编写了《中国消防工程手册》一书,该书面向全国发行,成为消防工程设计、施工、管理等方面具有指导意义的专业书籍。
With its coverage of research , manufacture and service as major three platforms , the institute devotes itself to the three scientific fields of building and sanitary ware ceramics , developing new technology , new techniques , new equipments , and new products . the national quality supervising & testing center on building and sanitary ceramics , the editorial committee of taoci journal and the ceramic information center are established in the institute , which has been playing an important role in drafting standards , supervising the quality exchanging information and technology in the building and sanitary ceramics industry 设在我院的国家建筑卫生陶瓷质量监督检验中心和国家级刊物- - - -建材技术《陶瓷》杂志社、信息中心,在国家标准的制订、产品质量的监督检验以及国内外信息、技术交流等方面对建卫瓷行业的进步与发展起到了重要作用。
The arthrology group committee member of china medical association orthopedics academy , the committee ' s committee member of world traditional chinese medical association federation orthopedics , the appraiseing expert of the chinese medicine academic society science and technology prize , the board member of beijing chinese medicine academic society bone traumatology department specialized and beijing medical evaluation , the editorial committee of " clinical magazine of traditional chinese medicine and western medicine " , the vip member of " chinese surgical magazine " , the member of sicot sirot and apas 主要社会兼职:中华医学会骨科专业学会关节学组委员、世界中医药学会联合会骨伤科专业委员会委员、中华中医药学会科学技术奖评审专家、北京中医药学会骨伤科专业委员会委员、北京市医疗鉴定委员会委员、 《中华中西医临床杂志》编委、 《中华外科杂志》 vip会员、 sicot sirot和apas (亚太关节学会)会员。